- Tahunan: RM3,698,368.00
- Bulanan: RM308,197.33
- Mingguan: RM71,122.46
- Harian: RM14,224.49
Nise: O Coração da Loucura merupakan filem Brazil 2015 arahan Roberto Berliner. Dibintangi oleh Glória Pires, filem ini berkisarkan kehidupan ahli psikiatri, Nise da Silveira, perintis terapi pekerjaan di Brazil. Nise turut dibintangi oleh Fabrício Boliveira, Fernando Eiras, Perfeito Fortuna, Roberta Rodrigues, Augusto Madeira, Simone Mazzer, and Zé Carlos Machado, among others.
Wikipedia page about Nise: O Coração da LoucuraSumber
- Picture: Wikipedia
- Text: Terra.com.br
- Text: Rd1.com
- Text: Wikipedia
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2022-3